Your life can be enriched most of all; by enjoying your maximum vitality, for as many decades as possible. Vision Products strives to make outstanding natural products to enable our bodies the best means of self-regeneration. What we supply our biological system is reflected in our immediate vitality and eventually in our long term health, which together equates to what we call “vitalised Health Span”. One of the key pathways to a longer and more vibrant health span includes using only quality lifestyle products made from natural, organic and wild harvested sources which are minimally processed and free of damaging filler ingredients and toxic compounds. Your health is in-part determined by your body having to process the least amount of toxins, while enjoying an abundant supply of naturally occurring nutrients.
A range of chronic modern diseases can be somewhat attributed to the bodies toxin accumulation from the wide spread exposure to numerous toxic synthetic chemicals* found in most commercial products (and foods, polluted urban/industrial environments, air and water). A percentage of these toxins absorb directly into our blood stream within seconds of a product being used. Some of these undesirable ingredients aid the absorption process of other toxic ingredients. Meanwhile, to save cost, filler or bulking agents take the place of what could have been nutrient rich ingredients, making the product less beneficial to your health.
We believe that Mother Nature best supplies enrichment to living cells from health promoting (predominantly plant based) compounds, and that your greatest health is derived from the most pure and natural plant ingredients and nutrient dense formulations. The Vision product range has been created to work as a part of your personal care holistic health approach to life; along with nutritious food, appropriate age related exercise, a healthy environment and rewarding relationships to enable your greatest well-being.
The Vision product range has been created to work as a part of your personal care holistic health approach to life; along with nutritious food, appropriate age related exercise, a healthy environment and rewarding relationships to enable your greatest well-being. Vision’s products are comprised of the very best ingredients and materials which are either; full of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and anti-oxidants to feed and nourish every part of your precious body, or natural to wear on your body. These exceptional ingredients are the essence of our unique formulations that make the highest quality skin and hair care, coconut oil, and represent the most natural and responsible materials to produce our apparel. See ingredients
By developing and embracing a romance with nature we are looking after our own health - as the two are bio-interdependent. By walking arm in arm with nature we put back in, and look after, what looks after us. Biospherically Correct is way of producing goods and services that respects the methods of nature and its eco systems to sustain the greatest and healthiest biodiversity for our planet.
We are only as healthy as the soils, oceans, air and water from which we depend. By only working with ingredients and materials that are both sustainably produced and that favour complete end of life bio-integration we preserve our future. For example the sea salt in our exfoliant is from the sea, yet when it is used returns to the sea. When washing Bamboo apparel; any fibres released into the water ways is more readily biodegrade, as opposed to nylon / synthetic fibres which adds to the accumulation of microplastics in our oceans. When you use a body wash; consider what you are applying all over your body and is being absorbed into your skin, and secondly what is entering our ecosystems especially in areas without high standards of water treatment.
Bioaccumulation is the contamination, as a result of the combined toxic residual of all human processes, which accumulates in our waterways, soils and all living systems. It represents the health state of our planet, as like the toxic load in our livers represents the health state of our human bodies.
To support better stewards of our beautiful planet, we have our products made on specialised farms (model, herbal, biodynamic) who use eco processes, and which work to keep their local environments clean and pristine. We use advanced eco packaging to house our products, packaging which can also bio-integrate (bio-degrade or compost) or which is fit for purpose (being able to be reused for years before being recycled). Every product line has been thought-out. See the Biospherically Correct information of each category page for more details.
In this day and age you must be responsible for your own health, fully versed in what contributes to your long term well- being. Likewise you also need to know what enables the planet to continue to operate at its optimum health and carry capacity, in doing so you will continue to have the planets services for decades to come, and so will your children. Greater awareness is necessary to increase accountability and eliminate the ignorance or denial which allows the existing systems, which perpetuate our ill-health and the ‘externalities’, to continue to be ignored.
Knowledge in context, which is acted upon is power. People with the knowledge of bio-interdependence: able to take full control of their own health, and hence the well-being of the planet, automatically become a-part of the solution. This simple insight is the empowering knowledge which enhances unity between people and planet.
Wherever you shop, seek out Biospherically Correct or such like orientated products and services concerning everything you consume. Support: farmers markets, locally made, organic produce and producers, plastic alternatives, and sustainable methods. Only support companies and corporations that have a genuine ethos interested in people and planet as opposed to simply increasing revenue generation, e.g. a Triple Bottom Line philosophy, and which are transparent and ethical.
At Vision Products we are in the business of enriching people and planet. You are in the position of ultimate power by having the choice to buy what you think is best. Use your power of choice wisely.
We are all one family which ultimately relies on each other for trust, safety, healthy relationships and a prosperous future. We need to look to one another for reassurance, confirmation, a sense of shared investment and inspiration. A Visionaire is a person who catches the VISION and is able to see the big picture, empowering themselves to remodel and even inspiring others to do the same.
The action we take compounds as each person self-empowers. Every efficient act identifies this self-empowerment while serving to inspire others towards a new way. Be the leader who through your own everyday actions makes a difference through conscious living: ethical purchasing, reducing, reusing, repurposing, recycling, and decomposing. Vision Products would like to reward you for being that person.
Become a Visionaire, sign up today to gain all of the discounts, rewards and benefits while implementing what this philosophy represents.
We are named for our approach in facing the consequences of consuming everyday commercial products. The unfathomable responsibilities and quests of solving chronic ill-health, climate change, and inequality issues while appeasing the human nature desire for progress, creativity and beauty.
Vision Products began ironically from a man that was in the depth of the fashion industry; modelling, modelling agencies, haute couture, disposable apparel, ridiculously lavish and unnecessary personal care packaging. Yet with small town New Zealand roots at his core, it was in the midst of 911, September 11th 2001 in New York City that the scene was laid to catalyse a turning point.
Inspired by an epiphany, of simply realising humanities success lies in our connection to one another, and the compounding power of enriching others in order to enrich ourselves, two charities where formed in 2005; VFH with the audacious goal of creating “A Successful Planet” – having witnessed and digested the limitations of the world’s social constructs, and Vision Products - a working model representing a small token as to how to help create such change.
Vision Products launched in 2011 after eight years of refining formulations and systems to create genuinely beneficial personal care products in a Biospherically Correct way. High performance natural hair/skin/apparel products that best serve people’s health and well-being needs while functioning in concert with the systems of the earths biosphere, hence the entire ethos ‘Biospherically Correct’ was born.
Only a small number of people know of this Vision but going by our customer survey information, those that do, understand every aspect and attribute of the product ethos: ethical sourcing, functional natural ingredients and formulations, advanced eco packaging and processes, positive planet messages, emphasis on healthy diverse relationships and that of giving back.
You see it’s not enough anymore for any company to simply create goods and services that sell due to a dazzling advertising campaign without regard to the consequentially negative ‘externalities’. The responsibility of producers and consumers alike is to think ‘inter-generationally’ about how what we do today effects; our personal long term health, our children’s prospects, and the health of the planet we all live on.
In 2020, nearly two decades after the epiphany, the ethos of Vision Products still leads the way to “A Successful Planet.” You’re not just buying ‘the best natural shampoo’, you are investing into the continued development of Biospherically Correct: our socially cohesive, environmentally vibrant, economically sound and balanced future.
How is this possible? There is very little you can do in the world today without engaging a product or a service, imagine if all products and services where made with the responsibilities of a Biospherically Correct design ethos - wouldn’t the world be a better place? Yes, in fact it would undergo a remarkable transition to a universally prosperous and sustainable future.
Exercise your power to make a difference in the world with Vision Products, as you are that person who has the power, through the choices you make, to alter the future.
Why does Vision Products exist? Vision products exists to enrich your life while providing a visionary pathway to a better future simply through the everyday products that we all use.
We wish to create a connection with people who believe in us and our mission, ‘Visionaires’ who are highly valued customers capable of capturing this Vision, to co-create this future.
To find out more about the big picture:
Vision’s products are highly functional with beautiful scents, exquisite textures, naturally derived ingredients, and embodied within them is a valuable social and ecological meaning, which you’ll going to fall in love with.

Superfood Skincare

Eco Hair & Body Care

Nature’s Greeting Cards

Eco Apparel
Vision Products utilises the most exceptional ingredients
Vision’s products with natural/organic and, most importantly, wild harvested ingredients contain the most beneficial ingredients on the planet which are full of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and anti‐oxidants.
Our skin care features the amazing Amazonian super fruits camu camu and acai, along with Tahitian tamanu oil, rosehip oil, aloe vera, NZ sea salt (for exfoliating) and Totarol, from the New Zealand totara tree, as a natural preservative.
Our hair care range uses plant based; cleansers, nutrients and preservatives and are scented naturally with essential oils. Our apparel is comprised of 70% bamboo (for its remarkable softness and numerous environmental benefits) and 30% organic cotton.
Our greeting cards showcase the unique beauty of the South Pacific ‐ what a natural and stunningly beautiful ingredient that is!

When we source ingredients
We look to protect and enhance the bio-ethnic diversity
(species, habitat and the associated knowledge, customs
and prosperity of the indigenous cultures) of the
territory from which ingredients are derived. We support
projects like a model farm in Labasa Fiji, and we choose
not to use palm oil (due to species and diversity loss),
sodium lauryl sulphate (which is harsh on our skin and
water ways) and standard cotton (which uses significant
water, fertilisers and pesticides). We prize wild
harvest ingredients most of all, over and above organic,
as they keep the natural eco systems (and the people who
depend on) them intact.

Packaging that is bio‐degradable, compostable and
recyclable, stylish yet minimal.
All stick on labels are made from either a wood
cellulose or corn based material. Our custom designed
750 ml bottles are also made from compostable corn based
PLA representing a theme of bio-integration. All paper
and card materials (gift cards, envelopes, swing tags
and wrap tags) are sourced from sustainable forest or
made with recycled paper and are printed with soy inks.
Our skin and hair care incorporates refill / recycle
systems and we use potato filler in boxed packaging.

We enhance our products with positive planet
The words love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance and
integrity adorn all of the labelling, and come from the
Vision for Humanity Vision Statement. Resonating with
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research, we see this as a way in
which to help make our world a more wonderful place.
These powerful messages help positively impact our daily
lives and act to bring forth more social cohesion.
Products with purpose
When you buy these incredible products we support our
community by having all net profits, to a minimum of
10%, go to a number of charities that we are associated
with; SPCA, KidsCan, Child Rescue, C3 outreach programs,
and the Vision for Humanity Charitable Trust. You can
decide which charity you want to support at checkout.
That’s our Story – yet every product category has a

Here’s the story of our coconut oil.
We buy our coconut oil from a model farm in Labasa Fiji. The people of Labasa are leaving the island to go to Suva in attempt to gain a city job. As a result they are losing touch with the land, and inter-generationally, farming and horticultural skills are being lost. This farm teaches people how to grow produce organically and sustainably, and to create arts and crafts as other means to provide further skills and income.
From coconuts wild harvested on the island, they make cold pressed 100% pure coconut oil. We buy their oil to support the farm. We package this oil in a PLA bottle which has originated from corn not fossil fuels. We apply plant based compostable labels and wrap tags made from recycled paper and soy inks, and provide a recycle /refill system to save our customers money and to reduce packaging.
Coconut oil is full of medium chain fatty acids, making it one of the healthiest options for cooking, and excellent for hair and skin health. Profits go towards supporting various charities including Vision for Humanity Charitable Trust ‐ which is all about raising awareness concerning important global issues and creating better pathways forward. Enjoy your coconut oil!

Biospherically Correct Indicator
All Vision products have a unique Biospherically Correct
rating which provides a simple 1, 2 or 3 indicator (3
being the best) that depicts each product’s
environmental sustainability and social responsibility
performance at a glance.
So we don’t think of our products as products at all –
but rather as services. ‘Biospherically Correct
Services’ representing a new global perception
redefining our relationship with nature and the everyday
items we rely on. Instead of thinking of products in
isolation to nature, start thinking of services in sync
with all of life – our Biosphere.
>> Biospherically

Our Vision      "A Successful Planet where the attributes of love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance and integrity form the basis of every human interaction and endeavour"
Vision Products is the sister charity of Vision for Humanity (VFH). VFH holds the grander perspective from which such initiatives as Biospherically Correct and Vision Products originate.
VFH is all about empowering people via information, inspiration and practical initiatives. Extend your Visionaire status by also signing up to become a VFH Visionaire, which is all about popularising the concept of Elevating Global Consciousness; thinking and planning together as a global family, into the future as one, where everyone’s needs are met.
After years of planning, I was about to set off from my New York apartment to officially see my first four clients to open Clyne Models. Unfortunately, that morning turned out to be September 11th 2001.
I remember standing there, half way to the door, watching CNN while holding bags full of model’s portfolios. I was spell-bound by the unfolding events and what this would mean. I quickly realised that my dream would go no further that day as I witnessed the whole city contract upon itself and close down… more significantly all around the world people were catapulted into confronting their greatest fears and the fragility of life. But most of all it was the sense of all us being in this together that left its mark on me.
Needless to say I didn’t open my New York agency. Instead 9/11 would cement a change of direction in my life that had been seeded in a personal epiphany just one month earlier.
Lying awake at 3am one morning I was questioning my life and my achievements. I began projecting my goals out over the years to come until I eventually arrived at my life’s end. I asked myself, ‘Are you happy with what you have achieved?’ The answer was “No!” I realised that it was all about ‘me.’ In astonishment I thought ‘Well what would be meaningful?’ and the answer was to contribute by helping others and to leave this world having done something truly constructive for humanity. At that point I realised that the greatest thing we can do as human beings is to help others in need, and that this is also the greatest thing that we can do for ourselves.
That’s what motivates me, and that’s why I do what I do.
Perhaps try the same exercise, project your life forward as far as your imagination can take you, and ask if everything you are striving towards has meaning. Then with the aid of that perspective, focus on what will bring you the greatest joy and sense of purpose.
Best wishes to you and your family !
- Kim Larking