Do the ingredients in the product meet the criteria for being 'green ingredients', that is, organic and/or natural, high yielding and sustainable? Biospherically Correct It is vital to use hair care products that are made with natural, plant based ingredients and preservatives. To this end, our products do not contain parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS), artificial fragrances or colours. They utilise plant derived cleansers sourced from renewable raw materials and are much kinder on your hair and scalp, while helping to keep our water ways cleaner. All of our other ingredients have been chosen for their hair health enhancing functions and plant based sustainablity. (Disclosure: one ingredient - the...
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To what extent does the cultivation and extraction of the raw materials necessary to produce this product enhance the diversity of life, that is, aids the greater biospheric services of the planet, the localised eco systems (species and habitat protection) and preserves the associated knowledge, customs and prosperity of the indigenous cultures of the territory Biospherically Correct We are proud to say that we have worked hard to create hair care formulas that are palm oil free*. Palm oil is ubiquitous in hair products, and as such is contributing to the extinction of species (including the orang-outang) along with vast acres of native forest. *Disclosure:...
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How well do the processes inherent in the manufacturing, packaging and distribution of this product sustain nature? Biospherically Correct The manufacturing of our hair care is done especially for us by an environmentally conscious boutique company in New Zealand who uses solar power & other carbon neutral heating methods from sustainable sources. Zero water discharge is achieved with an onsite waste management plant, all paper packaging is re used while glass and plastic is recycled and organic waste composted. Packaging- At Vision Products we have developed a reuse/refill/recycle system as part of a 'cradle to cradle' philosophy. We have choosen to use these materials in various combinations for specfic...
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How positive for the individual, society and the environment is the function of the product in its final form? Biospherically Correct The packaging of these products is limited to a minimum while also ensuring an element of style is maintained. The words love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance and integrity are meaningfully printed on our labels to inspire and promote a sense of connection with others. We use PLA, a plant based plastic for our containers as part of our refill/recycle system.(see Eco Processes). What is important to us, is that our products in their final form, function as effective and healthy cleansers for the hair and skin but...
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How well does the supply and promotion of this product align with the principles of trade Integrity: transparency of information, honest/accurate advertising claim, traceability of ingredients and an emphasis of working via gratifying and harmonious business relationships? Biospherically Correct To the best of our knowledge the claims we make accurate, reflecting the true capabilities of the product. Ingerdients are tracable to their point of origin (see Green Ingredients) and our pricing is fair, reflecting the quality of the merchandise. Vision for Humanity Products Charitable Trust is a registered charity (# CC27922). Profits go towards the Vision for Humanity Charitable Trust....
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